Everything Feels Different
The Thread of a Path

Turns of the Kaleidoscope

Reflection on the River's Edge
Bright Possibilities

An Accumulation of Accomplishments
The Strange, Velvet, Beautiful Sea

A Breath of Silence

Delirious With Warmth

The Memory of That Night
The Light Glimmers On

A Narrow Illumination

A Quiver of Excitement

Vanishing Horizons
Oil and Cold Wax
Oil paint mixed with cold wax is a versatile medium that creates rich luminosity and interesting surfaces. Dayna works on cradled wood panels and begins her paintings with a layer of plaster, followed by multiple layers of oil and cold wax. Working in this medium allows for laying down paint, building texture, scraping, digging, scratching, scritching, and then going in and doing it all over again. Dayna works intuitively and abstractly on multiple pieces, exploring texture, layers, composition and design, and color through oil paint, wax crayons, and oil pigment sticks. She likens her layered work as going on an archeological dig, excavating portions as she adds more layers.
The works above are a sampling of art by Dayna Collins. Oil and Cold Wax paintings can be purchased at Guardino Gallery in Portland, Oregon, RiverSea Gallery in Astoria, Oregon, and Salem On The Edge in Salem, Oregon. The Independence and The Dundee, Trace Hotels in Independence, OR and Dundee, OR display an incredible collection of Dayna’s art on their walls throughout these two upscale hotels which are available for purchase by contacting Dayna through this website or by email at: dayna@daynacollinsart.com.